Issues in Overwatch Competitive Play

What are the issues in Overwatch competitive play?

December 4, 2022

With so much emphasis on competitive play and ranked games, Overwatch 2 really needs to fix the way their game handles these modes. As it stands now, they are riddled with issues that need to be addressed in order to make the gameplay more enjoyable and fairer to all players involved.

So today Iā€™m going to go over some of the most common problems in competitive play and how Overwatch 2 needs to address them if they ever want their game to reach its full potential as one of the best shooters of all time.


There is a lack of communication

In order to be successful in competitive matches, every player needs a clear understanding of what is going on at any given time. It's difficult enough as it is when everyone is on the same page, but if you don't know what your teammates are doing or what the opposition is trying to do, you're always going to be playing catch up and have less of an impact. Communication can make all the difference between winning and losing.

Communication doesn't just mean talking either; it also means being able to listen for information that might not have been relayed through voice chat. If your teammates have a plan or strategy that requires you switching characters, you need to let them know so they can play according to their roles instead of waiting for someone else's hero swap.


There are too many imbalanced teams

There are too many imbalanced teams in Overwatch. One team could have all DPS characters, for example, and the other team could only have one tank. It's not fair to the people who don't get picked first, and it isn't fun for the rest of the players on the team that is just standing there waiting for a teammate to be chosen.

Another issue is that some heroes are much more powerful than others. For example, if you're playing as Hanzo and your opponent is also playing as Hanzo, it's nearly impossible to beat them because they can use their ultimate ability as well as their normal arrows at any time.

The ranking system is flawed

One of the most talked about problems in competitive play is the ranking system. Blizzard has been promising to fix it for years now, but it's still not fixed. The problem with the ranking system is that you need a certain amount of SR (skill rating) just to get into competitive mode.

If you don't have enough SR then you will only be able to play against people who are at your skill level or below. This means that newer players can't get better because they can't find anyone who is as good as them or higher ranked than them in order to challenge themselves and improve their skills.

There is a lack of diversity in the characters

This is a problem because it makes it easier for players with one of the seven characters to know what the other player will do. As a result, the game gets stale and redundant. Another problem is that there are only six maps. This can be problematic because some maps might give an advantage to certain character types or team compositions.

For example, if you play as Widowmaker against Winston on Horizon Lunar Colony (a map where he can jump up high) then you're at a disadvantage because he's hard to hit from below. A third problem is that there are only three game modes: Control, Assault, and Escort.
